The Georgia Shorts Film Festival in Atlanta, GA, has upgraded the TV pilot screenplay, “Finding Emmaus,” from “Official Selection” to “NOMINEE.” “This is so exciting,” commented screenwriter Pamela S.K. Glasner. “We’re hoping all this good news and all these positive affirmations will attract the attention of some producers—maybe even investors.”
“Finding Emmaus” just received Quarter-Finalist status in the Big Apple Film Festival and Screenplay Competition: “Women Screenwriters – Series/Episodic Pilot Script.” “WOW,” said Pamela, “NEW YORK! This is a big deal for me -- the Big Apple is MY home city!” No longer just an official selection, finalist or nominee, “Finding Emmaus” is officially a winner!
Said Pamela S. K. Glasner, “Last night I had the profound honor of accepting that coveted award at the Massachusetts Independent Film Festival for my TV pilot screenplay, “Finding Emmaus.” My sincerest thanks to Skip Shea, the festival director, and all those who voted for my project. I am deeply moved and grateful.” Pamela S. K. Glasner’s podcast discussion (Fighting for Fairness) with
Fran McGarry (First Online With Fran) is now live on Amazon Music! Follow the link and then just scroll to the April 2nd recording. Caterina Campagna, the founder and director of the Her Vision Film Festival, interviewed me on Zoom on Tuesday, April 4th. We talked about writing, “Finding Emmaus,” treating people with dignity and fairness, Karma and so much more. She is such a lovely, energetic, creative, dedicated, spiritual woman, it was a pleasure to spend half an hour speaking with her!
You can tell we had loads of fun! 🧡💛💚💙💜 Click below to find the interview on YouTube! An enjoyable, compelling interview with Frances McGarry, PhD.
The award-winning blogger from New York City taught theater and English for more than twenty-five years. She is an actor, director, voice-over artist and, most especially, an advocate for young people wanting to find their way into the arts. She and Pamela Glasner had a fascinating discussion about society, human rights and fairness and how they influenced the creation of "Finding Emmaus." |
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September 2023